Object analysis CTS

“Every city has a sex and an age which have nothing to do with the demography. Rome is feminine. So is Odessa. London is a teenager, an urchin. and this hasn’t changed since the time of Dickens. Paris, I believe, is a man in his twenties in love with an older women.”

We were given a task to make up characters based on the object we brought in. Mine was a gemstone made out of quartz. At first I thought it was a female in her twenties, still innocent, and pure. But someone pointed out to me it could be a baby which fitted the colour and innocents of it much better. I was thinking the baby might not even be borne yet. Or it might just be the idea of a baby coming, the hope, happiness and the new beginning.

We were ask to make up an exhibition in a group with all our objects in it. So we came up with a little story featuring our 5 objects. The story is based on the journey refugees have to go through in hope to have a better life. It starts with having to leave behind most of their belongings or even sometimes family members or loved ones. The journey follows after the pain of having to leave their home. The fist is meant to represent the way of transportation and the strength that they need to get to their destination. We placed the passport there as an obstacle which might be the border and the little gemstone at the end, almost not visible from the fist, is the hope for a better life. 

 Ways of seeing

It discusses how we perceive artwork and how media can change that perception. He talked about how information and music can change our experience of a certain piece of art as well as the surroundings. For example when we go to a gallery we tend to spend more time in the gallery looking at artwork and soaking in the whole experience and silence of the visit, in comparison to when we see artwork in the media. We have many different experiences just before we see the piece of art and right after which can change the way we see the artwork and its by us imagined meaning.

Object analysis guide: http://www.lewisandclarkexhibit.org/4_0_0/4_1_0_supportingdocs/object_analysis_guide.pdf

Object analysis CTS

CTS + ISHE introduction

What does contextual studies contain?


– artists

– movements

– connections

-social and political context

– today and history



-mass communication

-public engagement



We looked at primary and secondary resources as well and compared them:

primary benefits:


-greater control of how the research is collected

-more specific to the subject researched

Secondary benefits:

-range of views

-time efficient

-easy access

Both combined create good depth of information.

Good sources could be:

-the internet






Websites to have a look at:




CTS + ISHE introduction