Online Resources

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Lecturer: Ian Hague

Wikipedia is great, it always pops up first in your google search, its very basic and easy to understand, its basically everything you need. Thats what I thought at least. Ian made a good point, wikipedia is not reliable, it tends to publish inaccurate information. I wouldn’t necessarily cite information coming from a stranger that I met on the street without knowing his\her background, so why would I do that online? In order to find reliable sources you need to find out about the authors, what degrees they have, what their backgrounds are and so on. Don’t cite Wikipedia. Even the sources cited in wikipedia can often lead back to a different wikipedia article which displays a huge problem with finding accurate information. It is much more helpful to cite sources where information about the author can be found. This provides the opportunity to find out more information about the person that wrote the article and can therefore provide a much more reliable source. Especially online newspapers can provide a very good source because of their reputation. LCC library Catalogue or Google Scholar can also provide reliable sources and should definitely be taken in consideration when writing an essay.

Online Resources

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